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Host: Guest Incoming

Facility: Mataró, Spain: Centre de Natació Mataró

50 m pool with parking lot. Gym and strength training room. Lockers available.

Host services at this destination



Physiotherapy/massage available

Gym access

Coach/instructor available

Transportation service


We can provide sports specialized hotels nearby the pool. 

Flexible Hotel meal schedules to be adapted for the sportsman requirments


Meals prepared for sportsman , big variety of carbo and protein.

intlorenaces and allergies must be warned in advance

Physiotherapy/massage available

available in advance

Gym access


Coach/instructor available

available in advance

Transportation service

transfers in/out

This destination profile has been created by Guest Incoming
Host Address

Carretera N-II Km 672.5 Local B. 08398 Santa Suanna, Barcelona. Spain


Travel info:

Recommended airport: Girona or Barcelona

once landed we can take care of the transport to the hotel faclities

Training camp quotation

Make an inquiry directly to Guest Incoming
