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Host: Barcelo Lanzarote Active Resort

Facility: Lanzarote, Spain: Barceló Lanzarote Active Resort

4* Hotel, Barcelo Lanzarote Active Resort with olympic swimming pool and gym. Be active during your holiday.

Host services at this destination


Physiotherapy/massage available

Gym access

Coach/instructor available

Transportation service


4* Barcelo Lanzarote Active Resort 

Different roomtypes: single,double and family rooms, Royal level, Sport rooms and a Hipoxia room.

2 buffet restaurants, 4 a la carte restaurants, leisure pools, activities for adults and kids.

Physiotherapy/massage available

Physiotherapy available, extra charge

Gym access

Great gym, free wights, box, join classes Les Mills, 

Coach/instructor available

We do have coaches for personal training (extra charge) in gym and pool.

Transportation service

We can organize transfers from/to airport. (Extra charge)

This destination profile has been created by Barcelo Lanzarote Active Resort
Host Address

Avda del Mar 6, E 35508 Costa Teguise



Book your stay directly from the host using this link.

Travel info:

Recommended airport: Lanzarote

Training camp quotation

Make an inquiry directly to Barcelo Lanzarote Active Resort
