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Host: IMG Academy

Facility: Bradenton, United States: IMG Academy

IMG Academy track & field and cross country camps are available year-round for ages 12-18 in weekly and multi-week customizable formats. IMG also offers a full-time track and field program within the boarding school, which is available for 6-12th graders as well as post-graduates. Our coaches have experience competing and instructing at the highest levels and understand what it takes the reach the next level. Whether you're interested in competing in college, at the professional level, or simply seeking to enhance your knowledge, IMG has a program ideal for you. All of our programs are available in both boarding and non-boarding formats, and we also offer convenient accommodation and transportation options to and from campus. Families also have the option to plan trips together, including adult camp options, exclusive travel packages, and more. To learn more about IMG Academy, please visit our website.

Host services at this destination



Gym access

Coach/instructor available

Transportation service


IMG Academy campers will reside in our on-campus residence halls, which are situated in the heart of our gated, all-inclusive campus. We have three residential halls as well as a state-of-the-art residential area including an outdoor pool, sand volleyball court, basketball court, ping pong tables, social areas, and more. Our residence halls have full-time campus safety and residential mentor staff as well.


With boarding camps, campers will receive three meals per day inside IMG's Campus Center. Non-boarding campers will have lunch provided during their experience with the opportunity to purchase additional meals as needed.

Gym access

IMG's Performance Center is a world-class environment located adjacent to the track & field facilities. Campers will have various strength & conditioning sessions included in their camp package and may opt for additional specializations that would include use of our Performance Center. The Performance Center includes but is not limited to strength and cardio equipment, an Athletic Training room, mental toughness, vision training, leadership, nutrition, and other classroom space, the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI), and more.

Coach/instructor available

IMG Academy's track camps are led by experts who have guided some of the world's most dedicated and successful athletes to reach their goals. Our coaches are specialized by event and have experience at the collegiate and professional levels. 

Transportation service

IMG offers the option to add transportation service to and from several major, local airports with any camp experience. This option is available both to and from campus for arrival and departure.

This destination profile has been created by IMG Academy


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Travel info:

Recommended airport: Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport

IMG Academy is located just about 10 minutes from SRQ, but other airport within driving distance include TPA, PIE, RSW, and MCO. IMG offers various transportation options to and from several local airport.

Price information

IMG Academy pricing is dependent on time of year, duration, and camp program selection. Please visit our website for the most accurate pricing information.

Training camp quotation

Make an inquiry directly to IMG Academy
