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Host: Sundreams Travel

Facility: Msida, Malta: Tal-Qroqq Sports Complex

Host services at this destination



Physiotherapy/massage available

Gym access

Coach/instructor available

Transportation service

Shared hotel rooms or apartments in properties which are 10-20 minutes away on foot
Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner available at each property
Physiotherapy/massage available
Physiotherapy clinic is available within the pool complex
Gym access
A fully equipped gym can also be available at the pool complex
Coach/instructor available
Qualified local coaches can be arranged for your swimming camp in Malta
Transportation service
We offer transportation from the airport to the accommodation and back as well any other transport requirements along with tours and activities too
This destination profile has been created by Sundreams Travel
Host Address

Sundreams Travel, 109, Triq it-Terz, Swieqi, SWQ2274, Malta



Book your stay directly from the host using this link.

Travel info:

Recommended airport: Luqa, Malta

There are several airlines offering direct connections to Malta from several European airports including RyanAir, EasyJet, Air Malta, Air France, Vueling, Lufthansa, Alitalia, Aegean Airways, Turkish Airlines and many more.



Price information
Starting price quoted includes accommodation, buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner and 2 swimming sessions in a 50mtr pool
For early bookings when booking is confirmed more than 6 months in advance we are able to offer a 10% discount

Training camp quotation

Make an inquiry directly to Sundreams Travel
