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Host: La Loma Centro Deportivo

Facility: San Luis Potosi, Mexico: La Loma High Altitude Training Center

Profile made by MTM

Host services at this destination



Physiotherapy/massage available

Gym access

Coach/instructor available

Transportation service


Apartments: Spacious apartments located inside the sports complex. Fully equipped, including fridge, microwave, stove, washer, and dryer. Each apartment can host 6-10 people. Hotel: two 5-star hotels in close proximity to the sports facilities.


Buffet-style meals. Possibility to prepare menus according to athletes' special needs and training program.

Physiotherapy/massage available

Services including electrotherapy, ultrasound, laser therapy, sports massage, and osteopathy.

Gym access

More than 3000 square meters, divided into cardio zone and weight lifting areas.

Coach/instructor available

Contact the Host for more information.

Transportation service

Transportation service from the San Luis Potosi International airport. Also possible to provide bus transfer to groups arriving from Mexico City.

This destination profile has been created by MTM Sport based on publicly available information. The information placed here does not imply any cooperation or endorsement either by us or the host(s) at the location. We cannot take any responsibility of the accuracy or timeliness of the information. Please contact the host(s) to ascertain any details relevant to you.
Host Address

Av. de la Victoria 100, Mixto la Loma, 78216 San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Travel info:

Recommended airport: San Luis Potosí International Airport

By air: San Luis Potosí International Airport (SLP) or Mexico City International Airport (MEX).